PDBTM: Protein Data Bank of Transmembrane Proteins

Search results for

'Structure of the mycobacterial ESX-5 Type VII Secretion System hexameric pore complex'

Chains: E(0), X(10), D(11), C(0), B(1)
Method: Electron microscopy
Type: Tm_Alpha Details

'Structure of the mycobacterial ESX-5 Type VII Secretion System hexameric pore complex'

Chains: E(0), H(0), M(0), R(0), Y(0), 4(0), X(11), D(11), I(11), G(11), N(11), L(11), S(11), Q(11), Z(11), W(11), 5(11), 3(11), C(2), F(2), K(2), P(2), V(2), 2(2), B(1), A(1), J(1), O(1), T(1), 1(1)
Method: Electron microscopy
Type: Tm_Alpha Details